Marcar conversación como spam / Mark conversation as Spam
Sean Bryan
Dado que no hay forma de bloquear usuarios, sería genial marcar conversaciones como spam y ocultarlas de la pestaña de Chat en Vivo (colocándolas en una caja separada, por ejemplo: pestañas de Abierto, Cerrado y Spam).
As there's no way to block users, it would be great to mark conversations as spam and hide them from the Live Chat tab (on a separate box, for example: Open, Closed, Spam tab).
Oleg Krasikov
Merged in a post:
Feature to block WhatsApp numbers
Steven Sastra
It's an option to block spammers from writing
Oleg Krasikov
Merged in a post:
Block user option natively from Chatfuel
Jose Gustavo Anaya
Me dijeron hace muchos meses que iban a poder activar la herramienta para lograr bloquear a contactos no deseados, sin embargo seguimos esperando noticias, tienen algún update acerca de esto?
Oleg Krasikov
Merged in a post:
Spam Management
WT Languages
Ability to filter out (or block) spam messages
Oleg Krasikov
Merged in a post:
Block users
Luis Miguel Jiménez A.
Helen Kuptsevich
Merged in a post:
Ability to block people
WT Languages
WT Idiomas
Please, help us get rid of these unwanted subscribers! I can't figure out how they happened to come across my chatbots, but once they do, it's a never-ending circle of nonsensical messages that don't help me educate my bots and they also add up to my free/allowed monthly subscribers, which is pretty unfair because I'm not given the tools to block them.